In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
Genesis 1:1
This is the first verse of the Bible. It starts out be stating that God created the heaven and the earth. It assumes that the reader will recognize there is a God. There are no explanations associated with his existence, just that he created the heaven and the earth.
I have had people say to me, "Prove there is a God." To the person that does not want to recognize there is a God, proof will not satisfy. I could easily, and justifiably say, "Prove there is no God."
How do you prove there is a God? How do you prove there is no God? Some say that because there is an idea of a God there then must be a God. I do not know if that necessarily follows. What I do know that God has never attempted to prove that he exists. He does offer evidence to support his existence, evidence that is overwhelming. Those that want proof there is a God need only look at the evidence.
We accept many things without being given adequate proof. We accept many things in spite of the proof. Yet, when it comes to believing in God we shut our eyes and our hearts to that which is so clear.
Some argue: "No one has ever seen God." With this the Scriptures agree. I have never seen God. You have never seen God. No one has ever seen God (we'll leave Moses alone, for right now). Does that mean or even prove that he does not exist? We believe a lot of things without seeing them.
Not only has no one seen God, no one has ever seen the sun; yet we believe there is a sun. We see the glory of the sun and we feel the effects of the sun. Only a crazy person would deny there is a sun. Likewise, we see the glory of God and we feel the effects of God. Only a crazy person would deny there is no God.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Contrary to what evolutionists would have us believe, the universe and our solar system did not just happen. The driving force behind evolution is (beside Satan) is the desire to be autonomous, to be free of God, and to be free from judgment.
When dealing with those who consider themselves atheists or agnostics (a term invented by Thomas Huxley to camouflage his atheism) deal with them as people who really do believe in God. Atheism is a denial of the Truth, not a disbelief of the truth. God has implanted in every person the knowledge of his existence (Romans 1:19) and, while it may be suppressed, the knowledge is ever there. Additionally, God has revealed himself and given evidence of himself in his creation of the heaven and the earth.
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